To Plant Or Not To Plant
I posted many times on my Instagram photos with my plant buddies from my little studio and the audience was great. I had no idea that I have so many plant lovers through my friends and followers.
To be honest, I haven’t been a plant lover since long ago. My mom was though. As I grew up I was always noticing her taking care of her plants and being proud of how pretty they are but… I wasn’t really interested in them. We were just… flat mates.

I have many plants now and I grew up with them and learned how to take care of them but every plant that I bought from Ikea sooner or later died. I don’t like to generalize. Maybe I had bad luck but I learned my lesson.
My favorite plants are the air purifying plants. These are the majority in our studio. They are nice, always green and they have many benefits:
- Improve the air quality by absorbing toxins and increasing the oxygen
- Control the humidity of the space in order to make it optimum for us
- Make the rooms cozier
- Psychologically, people tend to prefer the rooms which have plants and develop an attachment for these
- Improves productivity and reduce stress

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